A Parent or Guardian must fill out this form. If you have any questions then please speak to Evan (email: evanhmoses@gmail.com)
If you would like the leaders of the program to contact your child directly for the purposes of the ministry, then please give their details below
Is your child on any medication, have any serious illness or disability, have a known behavioural issue or is restricted from any activity? If so, please give details
I authorise the leaders to administer paracetamol to my child as per the instructions on the medication. I understand that this authority is a guideline for administration of a specific dose, and acknowledge the potential side effects and risk of medication for my child
My signature below indicates:
Selecting "Yes" below certifies acceptance of all these conditions
The leadership team will treat all the information collected confidentially. This information may be shared with a third party when it concerns the medical health or care of the individuals listed.